Cyberpunk direct from Tokyo, Japan
PSYDOLL the Cyberpunk band from Tokyo, Japan returns UK from 5th Fri to 13th Sat in April. It’s a rarely chance to see Psydoll stage in real, Please visit to enjoy Nekoi the female vocal with keytar and Ucchi the old school Metal guitar with wildly, technically and detailed built-in backing tracks!!!
PSYDOLL Aurora Explosion Tour 2024
5th April Birmingham
6th April Leeds
7th April Edinburgh
8th Manchester
9th Glasgow
11th Northanmpton
12th Whitchurch
13th London
All detail in here:
Japanese companies (including S#NY, Mit#ubishi, Hit#chi, S#nyo and P#nasonic) usually use the word “DOLL” to name their production robots for military, business and home use. However, PSYDOLL (Psycho-Doll) are illegal robots manufactured and remodeled without proper licenses and with enhanced abilities unlike other “DOLLs”.
She is the single PSYDOLL created in private by the the programmer who has been praised for his miracle in programming of early female PSYDOLL models.
Nekoi was created based on the images as if that programmer’s late daughter, who actually passed away at her age of 10, have grown up.
However, since the programmer also used brain and optic nerves of his daughter’s cat in creating Nekoi, she is extremely emotional and sometimes even meaningless in expression of her feelings.
She cannot control her voice tones either like her feelings. Words from her bottom of heart always confuse people.
He is one of the early PSYDOLL models manufactured by one Japanese company in its hidden Okhotsk laboratory in early 80’s.
Due to systematic trouble in his safety control portion, he is unable to control himself when exposed to heavy duty sounds like originated by guitar or bass. After he had killed and wounded several people in its testing stage, he ran away and hid out in the city of Tokyo.
Thereafter, he supported several bands and finally banded a band, so-called PSYDOLL, with Nekoi.
PSYDOLL Aurora Explosion Tour 2024